This service experience is important for the Common Good, because it gives those in need the sense that someone is there for them. It shows the people that need help that there is a reason to have faith in God and in the people around them. For those serving the needy, it gives us an idea of how people are around us and need us to help them. This gives us the opprotunity to reach out to others and be who God wanted us to be.
To be able to give dignity to all people, we must sacrifice all of our negative thoughts about the people we are going to serve. We cannot have a stereotype in our minds and believe that all people are individuals. There are rules that make it that we cannot do certain things for people we serve so that they will still be independent even if we give them a helping hand. I can tell people around me at school or at home that through my service experience I realize now that there are people in bad condition that need help to do things, but I cannot judge them if they are not able to physically or mentally participate in certain areas of life. I also know now that we should not hold people's hands through everything and we must allow people to be somewhat independent.